
quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2014


Esta flor se faz com 3 fuxicos.
Corte um fuxico com 10cm de diâmetro e 2 fuxicos com 6,5cm.
Uma tira de tecido de mais ou menos 10cm X 2cm para fazer o caule.
Se desejar fazer folhas separe alguns retalhos.

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This flower is made with 3 yo-yos.
Cut a yo-yo with 10cm in diameter and 2 yo-yos with 6.5 cm.
A strip of fabric of about 10cm X 2cm to the stem.
If you want to do leaves separate some pieces of fabric.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step



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Faça um fuxico com 6,5cm de diâmetro e encha-o com enchimento de silicone.

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Make a yo-yo with 6.5 cm in diameter and fill it with silicone filling.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Com o fuxico pronto coloque-o no meio do fuxico de 10cm de diâmetro e risque em volta.
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Isso é para marcar o centro do fuxico e ficar mais fácil fazer a dobra do fuxico.

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With the yo-yo ready put it in the middle of a yo-yo of 10cm diameter and draw around it.
This is to mark the center of the yo-yo to become easier to bend the yo-yo.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Dobre e coloque alfinetes em volta do fuxico.



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Pode marcar com ferro de passar roupas em volta do fuxico sem precisar usar os alfinetes.

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Fold and place pins around the yo-yo.
You can iron around the yo-yo without using the pins.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Pesponte em volta do fuxico com 5 mm de margem.

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Backstitch around the yo-yo with 5 mm margin.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Puxe a linha para dar o franzido.

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Pull the line to make the pleat.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Pegue o fuxico com enchimento e coloque-o no centro do fuxico pespontado.



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Take the yo-yo with filling and place it in the center of the quilted yo-yo.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Dê duas laçadas para o acabamento.

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Apply two loops for the finish.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Faça o segundo fuxico de 6,5cm com uma bainha pequena.


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Make the second yo-yo of 6.5 cm with a small sheath.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Costure-o no fundo do outro fuxico para servir de sépala da flor.




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Sew it in the bottom of the other yo-yo to make as the sepal of the flower.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

A flor está pronta. Agora vamos fazer o cabo.

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The flower is ready. Now let's make the stem.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Pegue a tira de 10 X 02cm dobre-a para que não desfie e depois costure-a com pontos invisíveis.




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Take a strip of 10 X 02cm, bend it to not unweave and sew it with invisible points.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

pegue um pedaço de arame e coloque dentro do caule para dar flexibilidade.



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get a piece of wire and place inside the stem to give flexibility.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Agora é só pegar a flor e costurar o caule no centro da sépala.


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Now just pick the flower and sew the stem in the center of the sepal.
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Se desejar faça detalhes com linha de bordar.

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If you want make some finishing with line of embroidery .
(Translation by Google)

Flor com 3 fuxicos - passo a passo | Flower with 3 yo-yos - step by step

Agora é só escolher um vaso para colocá-las.

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